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TV Jones


169,00 €TTC
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·Power'Tron™ Neck Pickup - Universal Mount™
The Power'Tron was born out of our desire to create a pickup that has the character of a PAF-style humbucker yet retains the essence of a Filter'Tron. Larger bobbins, standard HB sized wire, and more windings create a badder, gnarlier older brother to the TV Classic (and TV Classic Plus).

Mixing the vintage tone of a golden-age PAF with the rockabilly twang of a late-'50s Filter'Tron. Full body and a clear top end that is naturally dynamic. Digging in reveals a chunky low-end breakup paired with a barky top-end grit that sounds amazing through a tube amp. This is a great choice if you like the overall Filter'Tron sound but want more guts and glory than usually provided by lower output pickups.

DC Resistance is not entirely an indicator of true pickup output, although it can be helpful.

Bridge: DCR - 7.8k / Inductance - 4.75H

Neck: DCR - 5.0k / Inductance - 2.24H

The Universal Mount is a direct drop-in replacement for guitars with standard sized Filter'trons - with and without "ears" or "clips". This pickup comes with two pieces of compression rubber, 2 mounting (wood) screws, and the Universal Mount Clip Pack which includes everything you will need to mount the pickups to your ring or pickguard.

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